Exotic Pets

Hamster and Gerbil breed

small exotic pets
small exotic pets

Hamsters and gerbils are small exotic pets. These animals are easy to breed. Males and females are mixed in a single enclosure, will undoubtedly give birth to a baby. Lust period 4 days. The day after the birth, the mother is ready to marry again. The gestation period is 16 days. Number of children can reach 12 tails. Within two months of hamsters can multiply into 48 animals.

Age of 2 months is ready to mate. A month later the number of rodents can reach 400. Automatic needs cages, feed, accessories, toys is greatly increased. Budget needs be increased. Therefore do not marry and keep hamsters in vain, if not ready funds, manpower and extra affection. To avoid uncontrolled marriage, separate males and females in different cages. Keep single-sex hamster in a cage. Nan exotic animals can be kept small population

1 comment:

  1. Hello cutie Hamster! Hamster was my first pet and it was my birthday presence from the exotic animal veterinarian Our family are very in love to the pets. We can't live without pets in our lives.
